Why bad things happen to good people, … and why good things happen to bad people ?

This is a Question that is often asked.

Hello everyone, 

Yin and Yang photo Yin_Yang.jpg


And there is no Pictures, no Illustrations, or hardly any, here today. Smile. 

I just want to talk. What ‘s up ?


Need a pause from the hard work that all this Illustration stuff entails. 

But more importantly, this is something that is on my mind,  and I consider this such a serious Subject that I changed the “The Teacher versus The Master” theme that I wanted to elaborate on today.


This is something that supersedes our normal ways of reasoning.

Because rationally we figure out that good things happen if we keep being good and positive.

Let me explain : we ARE good people. We do good actions. And we embrace this positiveness wholeheartedly.


But what we are missing here, with that reasoning, is that to think like this is to make ourselves incomplete.

Because the reality is : we ARE bad people.

We ARE good people and we ARE bad people.

We are both.


Because the Good and the Bad exist everywhere. 

The Positive and the Negative exist everywhere.

In Nature, all around us :

  • Our Pets have both Negativity and Positivity
  • Our Walls have both Negativity and Positivity
  • Our Plants have both Negativity and Positivity
  • Even the Core of everything has Positive and Negative, as for example in the case of Atoms that possess Negatively charged Electrons, and Positively charged Protons.



We are very aware of and very likely to love and cherish the Positivity that we are : Mind, Body, and Soul.

But are we also aware of and very likely to cherish the Negativity that we are : Mind, Body and Soul ?




What is the Negativity that is in us : Mind, Body and Soul ?

Well :

  • Our anger and frustration and our need to shout and control
  • Our greed and our selfish tendencies
  • Our survival instincts
  • Our domineering voire violent and destructive traits
  • Our Sexual compulsions
  • Our manipulative and dubious and distrusting Minds

Etc !


We do not look at all these with pleasure. We judge and condemn ourselves for these. And we judge and condemn others for these.

In other words we push it away from us.


So, what happens next ?


If we push this Negativity that is in us away from us, next someone else or something else will have to express it for us.


It will come back to us. In every way, shape and form. 

It is called PROJECTION.


And it is our powerful Subconscious that does that work for us.

Subconsciously we PROJECT the unwanted Negativity unto :

  •  –    Our Pets, our Walls, our Plants, our Cars, our Homes.
  •  –    Our Physical Bodies, and this is called : the Psychosomatic ailments.
  •  –    Our Partners, Our Parents and Our Children, our Colleagues and Associates and our closest Friends.

And everything else and everyone else.  This is the cause of all our problems.


This occurrence is very Subjective, but the phenomenon itself is Objective.

Because Nature does not judge or condemn.

Nature does not speak in terms of Good and Bad.

Nature does not punish or reward.


So what is the solution ?


The acceptance of our Negativity. 


And to be brave : we all have a little Monster inside of us !

And it does not matter.

Actually it is pretty healthy.

AND, it protects oneself from being at the receiving end of some one else Negativity.


After that, let us observe every little things that happen to us, and let us understand their Language.


Now, let me give some examples :


Once, in some context, I had to listen one more time to what I call a “Goodie-Goodie” speech.

(what do I mean  by “Goodie-Goodie” ? A “Goodie-Goodie” person is a Bad person who tries very very hard to be a Good person. A Good person is a Bad person, a person who has embraced the Negativity of their being,  but who does Good because they cannot help it : it comes from a Mysterious space deep inside of them).

Ok ; so the speech was, let’s say, about Impatience. Three pages saying in short that Patience is Good and Impatience is Bad.

After the speech, it was Tea time. And I could see that everyone was practising Patience.

But I could see also that there was an immense reservoir of Impatience that was boiling inside each and everyone of them.

Next, unfortunately, this unacknowledged and unaccepted Impatience was going to cause the Plants to fade away, a Pet to suffer, the Television Set to need fixing, a Glass to break, something wrong with the Washing Machine, or with the Water Tank of the Toilets, or with the Car, a set of Keys lost, a Headache or a Stomachache, and a angry Neighbour or a dissatisfied Customer. Etc !


These are messages from our powerful Subconscious.

Because the Subconscious knows that Nature is WHOLE.

Therefore both Impatient and Patient !


Another example :

A simple Piece of paper, a WHITE Piece of paper.


Note Paper


Our Pen is BLACK !

People say : “oh I have to be White, I have to be Pure. I do not do Darkness”.

Well, thank God that the Pen does Darkness !

The Pen has to be Dark in order for the message to be complete.

If one was to write White on a Piece of White paper, there would be no message at all !


Another example :

We all go to Toilets to do our CacaPooh.

And the CacaPooh is disgusting. It smells. We reject it out of our Body.

It is a Negative thing.

On the other hand, when cooking, preparing Dinner, and eating delicious Food is a very Positive thing.

But our Body is complete.

Nobody can be alive without Food AND doing CacaPooh.

The Body both assimilates food and rejects the unwanted substances.

It is both Positive and Negative.

(And CacaPooh makes great fertilizers, by the way. Smile)


Everything around us, the Good and the Bad, the Positive and the Negative, is a message from our Subconscious.


Furthermore, it is interesting to bear in mind that some people have very Positive Subconscious PROJECTIONS.

They act as Rescuers, Helpers, Saviours, Healers, even Martyrs.

I said : Subconscious, PROJECTIONS,  so they are not aware of it.

They carry the pain of others.

I know one person like that in my life right now, bless her.


Finally, Tragedies, such as what happened to the Ship Cruise The Titanic for example, are caused by the same Phenomenon Negative/Positive, but then Individuals are caught up within a larger Context, a Collective Context.


More about this if you wish in the Article here called :

“An Opposite Dream”


Take care.